Modular designs for different needs!

Kargopark Maxi locker is Kargopark's most flexible and modular model that can be customized according to customer needs. Kargopark Maxi lockers with high parcel capacity can be integrated easily with parcel delivery and e-commerce companies.

8 years experience in shared business model.

8″ – 12″ – 15″ industrial touch screen suitable for outdoor environment.

Operating system independent KIOSK software.

Kargopark Mini is able to run with solar or electricity energy and offers an environmentally friendly delivery system, thanks to its low energy comsumption. Kargopark Mini can easily integrate with the softwares of parcel delivery and e-commerce companies. The best delivery solution for the low parcel capacity locations.

8″ industrial touch screen suitable for outdoor environment.

Ability to work with battery

Low energy lock technology

With Kargopark Eco lockers, you can change your delivery process without being connected to the electricity grid and internet. Kargopark Eco has the feature of working with a long-life battery, connects to the internet via mobile application. It offers an environmentally friendly delivery system by consuming low energy.

Online / Offline operation.

Ability to work with battery

Low energy lock technology

Kargopark DropBox has been developed for small businesses selling in marketplaces to drop off parcels and end users to make e-commerce returns 24/7. It can also used as collection point last mile opeartion. It is possible to transform DropBox into a hybrid product where all 4 operations can be performed by combining with Kargopark Eco if it is needed. DropBox, which reduces the workload of delivery companies in product collection processes, offers marketplace sellers the opportunity to drop off parcels 24/7.

Long-lasting lock technology

Option to work with solar energy

Easy maintenance and repair

Çevrim içi veya çevrim dışı çalışma özelliğine sahip Kargopark Plus, istenilen göz büyüklüğü ve renkler ile kendi Kargopark’ınızı oluşturmanızı sağlar.

İşletim sistemi bağımsız yazılım

Göz içi aydınlatma opsiyonu

EMC filtre özelliği

8″ – 12″ – 15″ darbe dayanıklı dokunmatik dış ortama uygun ekrana sahip DropBox, zemin tolerans ayarı ile eğimli zeminlerde kurulum imkanı sağlar.

Uzun ömürlü kilit teknolojisi

Solar enerji ile çalışma opsiyonu

Kolay bakım ve onarım imkanı

Güneş enerjisi opsiyonu ile çevre dostu bir tasarıma sahip Kargopark Eco optimum boyutlandırma ile kurulum ve konumlandırma kolaylığı sağlar.

Bluetooth 5.0 teknolojisi

Batarya ile çalışabilme özelliği

Düşük enerjili kilit teknolojisi